Join Low Carbon Girl and Hundreds of Concerned Citizens

Act now to ensure a future without fossil fuels.

Act now to ensure a future without fossil fuels.

Ask for a Path to 100% Renewable Energy

Join me and hundreds of other concerned citizens as well as groups such as, Backbone, Redefine Tacoma, Vashon Climate Action Group, Indigenous environmental activists, Puyallup Tribal Nation, Puyallup Water Warriors, Indivisible Vashon, Indivisible Bainbridge, Students for the Salish Sea, the Sierra Club and many more on February 21st – let your voice be heard. Ask for a path to 100% renewable energy now!

Public comments will start at 1:30pm. Get there by 1pm to sign in if you’d like to speak.

Let’s ask the Utilities and Transportation Commissioners to direct Puget Sound Energy (PSE) to increase their renewable energy mix to help mitigate climate change – it’s in the public’s and planet’s interest.

Puget Sound Energy’s 20-year Integrated Resource Plan recommends:

THE TIME IS NOW to influence what kind of power Puget Sound Energy will offer us in the future.

Take Action in Four Ways:

  1. Sign a letter:
  2. Write a letter from scratch to the Utilities and Transportation Commission:
    • Email to  Include a brief cover note that includes:
    • “This is a comment on PSE’s 2017 Integrated Resource Plan, Docket numbers UE-160918 and UG-160919”
    • Your organization or business name (if applicable)
    • Contact info of the person submitting the comment: Name, email, phone number, address
    • Here are some talking points: PSE IRP Hearing TPs 1.10.18
    • Please also email to The Sierra Club: and to your local community organizer:
  3. Sign a letter to PSE’s CEO Kimberly Harris requesting renewable energy:
  4. Join Low Carbon Girl and hundreds of other concerned citizens on February 21st at PSE’s Integrated Resource Plan Hearing. Location: Renton Community Center. Public comments are from 1:30pm to 7pm, please come early if you’d like to sign up to speak. If you’re interested in going to the hearing, please RSVP for the hearing at and also submit a comment!

Join me and hundreds of other concerned citizens as well as groups such as, Backbone, Indigenous environmental activists, the Sierra Club – let your voice be heard.

EXTRA POINTS: Write your legislators.

What is the Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC)?

The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission is a three-member commission appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state senate.

Our Mission is to protect the people of Washington by ensuring that investor-owned utility and transportation services are safe, available, reliable and fairly priced.

Regulated businesses include electric, telecommunications, natural gas, and water. The commission also regulates in-state household movers, solid waste carriers, private ferries, and inter-city busses, as well as safety issues affecting charter buses, railroads, limousines, and nonprofit senior/handicapped transportation services.

Washington State law requires that utility and transportation rates must be reasonable to customers, giving regulated companies a chance to cover legitimate costs and earn a fair profit, so it can stay in business. What is fair to the company, and at the same time fair to the people and businesses it serves, is what the commission must decide many times over. Cases are heard in a formal, legal setting, with the commission hearing evidence from all sides before issuing a decision.

* Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Direct Links:

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