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Category Archives: Travel
How do You Make an Ice Cube from the Sun?
“Solar power, of course,” said Neil Johannsen, retired Director of Alaska State Parks, answering his own question. He asked me that question as I looked at his solar-powered van, Plover, named after a bird. I love that question. That is … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, Green Ideas, My CO2 Footprint, Travel
Tagged charge controller, effcient, MPPT, Neil Johannsen, power, power innovation, small-scale solar, solar, solar garden fountain, solar lights, solar power, solar van, voltages
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Oil Trains in Your Backyard
A couple nights ago, Climate Action Bainbridge (formerly Coal-Free Bainbridge) greeted ferry passengers with No Oil Trains signs to commemorate the oil train explosion in Quebec that killed 47 people and to raise awareness that the same highly flammable oil … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, At Work, Fuel, Travel
Tagged bakkan oil, beyond coal, Climate Action Bainbridge, Coal-Free Bainbridge, Eric de Place, Erika Shriner, explosions, oil spill, oil trains, Puget Sound, quebec, Sierra, Sightline, volatile
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An Airline with a Green Heart
I found myself on a flight recently (yes, I know!) to the East Coast. As I paged through Alaska Airlines’ in-flight magazine, an article by Keith Loveless entitled Waste Not caught my eye (page 9). In a highlighted sidebar there … Continue reading
Posted in My CO2 Footprint, Travel
Tagged airline, Alaska Air, Alaska Airlines, bottle filling stations, carbon dioxide, carbon emissions, emissions, fossil fuels, green, in-flight magazine, Keith Loveless, luggage, packing, plastic bottles, reduce CO2, reusable bottles, reusable water bottles, Spirit of Alaska, sustainability, travel, waste not, water bottles
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Happy Birthday Low Carbon Girl!
Low Carbon Girl’s first birthday. And, what a year its been. China’s air pollution is just FREAKING me out. And, all of their ADAPTATION to air pollution – designer air masks – really? – hey folks, let’s not be so … Continue reading
Posted in At Home, Food, My CO2 Footprint, Recycling, Shopping, Travel
Tagged air masks, bottled water, china, climate, climate change, Eco Expert Link, feast of joy, fracking, fukushima, green steve, low carbon girl, nuclear, plant protein, plant-based diet, plastics, reusable containers, reuse, sustainable, sustainable bainbridge, tap water, travel, two degrees, vegan
Bike Commuting 101
For years I admired Seattle bike commuters from a distance and wondered: how do they do that? How do they bike in the cold, dark rain without arriving at the office looking like a hot mess? Then, with the help … Continue reading
Posted in At Work, My CO2 Footprint, Travel
Tagged bike, bike commuting, bikes vs cars, biking, carbon footprint, commuting, green commuting, sustainable commuting, transportation
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Got Solar Panel Will Kayak
Or, should I say: Got Joos? Just because I love nature, the great outdoors and mother earth doesn’t mean I don’t have instant withdrawals if separated from my devices. I’m a modern nature lover. You need to know this about … Continue reading
Sustainable Travel
There’s an oxymoron. And, yet, I’m sure you’ve seen ads for sustainable travel or green travel or eco-something-or-other. Travel by its very nature increases your carbon footprint unless you’re walking and even then it would be best if you were … Continue reading
Posted in Travel
Tagged airplane carbon footprint, car CO2, car vs plane travel, carbon footprint, Chris Goodall, CO2 offset, Do the Green Thing, eco travel, green thing, green travel, how bad are bananas, How to Live a Low-Carbon Life, Hyundai, luggage, mike berners-lee, offsets, renewable energy credits, Salad works, SaladWorks, Sustainable Brands, sustainable travel, terra pass, terrapass
Could Weeding be the Next Big Status Symbol?
I wonder. It seems that everything old is new again, doesn’t it? Not that weeding was ever a status-symbol activity, but green lifestyle choices such weeding instead of using chemicals are gaining momentum (thankfully!). One place we need to be … Continue reading
Posted in At Home, Travel
Tagged body of water, chemical runoff, chemicals, driveways, environmental production agency, EPA, fertilizers, invertabrates, lawn, lawn care, marine life, near shore, nearshore, rivers, run off, runoff, scientific american, shore, shore birds, shore life, streams, vacation, vacation home, weeding
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Chasing Sustainable Lifestyle Changes
Last night I watched Chasing Ice* with my good friend Jen. We’ve been talking about environmental issues since we met, more than ten years ago. One of our concerns has been reaching a tipping point when the earth won’t be … Continue reading
Would you like deforestation with that?
Ahhh! Fast food. So, salty, so sweet, so bad for the environment (not to mention our waistlines). Does the thought of crispy, salty, warm fries have you craving a little fast food? It may be too late for your children, … Continue reading
Posted in Food, Recycling, Travel
Tagged Addictive Food, deforestation, Dogwood Campaign, Fast Food, fast food packaging, fast food waste, fat, food giants, Home economics, Junk Food, Michael Moss, NY Times Magazine, packaging, processed food, recycled packaging, salt, sugar
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